Dear friends and Colleagues
The Moroccan Association of Private Psychiatrists (AMPEP) joins the World Association of Dual Disorders in collaboration with the Moroccan Association of Addictology, in the frame of their national congresses, to organize the 4th Congress of the World Association of Dual Disorders (WADD) under the theme
“Dual Pathology: integrating Psychiatry and Mental Health in the neurosciences’ context”
the 19, 20 and 21 October 2020.
From its incorporation, the WADD has committed to make available to clinicians the necessary scientific expertise to improve treatments to patients suffering of dual disorders throughout the world. These actions are implemented by improving psychiatric standards, with theoretical and field training programs for mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses), social workers and other professionals involved in the Dual Pathology domain. Several actions have hence been realized in this field within the last years.
The aim of this congress is to reunite, for the second time in Morocco, high level international experts in dual pathology and the mental health professionals to debate concepts, clinical practice, teaching and research in these specific domains of Psychiatry.
Following the success of the previous WADD’s congresses, our goal is to make this Congress a high-quality forum. This will be our challenge, and we commit to take it up.
Unfortunately, the short- and medium-term outlook for the pandemic is not only uncertain but also negative. Furthermore, international travel is very disrupted, unreliable, and limited, and it does not seem that the panorama will improve in Autumn. After a careful assessment of the situation and taking into account mainly safety criteria we took the decision, to our great regret, to opt for the virtual organization of the Congress.
Our program was very extensive and varied and we have been forced to reduce it. The Congress will be organized in a virtual way through THREE WEBINARS of three hours each.
It was not an easy decision for us to make. The organization of this Congress was very important for us and we were very delighted to meet in Marrakech.
I hope that we will have the pleasure and the honour of welcoming you to Morocco in the near future on the occasion of the organization of another event.
I would like to warmly thank our speakers who kindly accepted our invitation and participate in this Congress.
Welcome to our virtual Congress!
Best regards.
Prof. M. Paes
Congress’ President
WADD Executive Committee
President: Pr. Pedro Ruiz
Vice-President: Dr. Nestor Szerman
Secretary: Pr. Icro Maremmani
Treasurer: Pr. Marta Torrens
WADD Moroccan National Scientific Committee
Chair: Prof. Mehdi Paes
Members: Prof. Mohamed Agoub, Prof. Soumia Berrada, Prof. Fatima El Omari, Prof. Meriem El Yazaji, Prof. Ismael Rammouz, Prof. María Sabir, Prof. Jallal Toufiq, Prof. Fatima El Asri, Prof. Adil El Ammouri